09 Difference thing to do for interview for a good part-time/ full-time job
1. Show your interest.
You must show your interest while giving interview to any company and you should also know the interviewer's mind that what he wants. Ask for the job with such sentence that , "I would really like to pay to this company and I will work whole heartedly while hoping you select me." Do not leave the room without a clear idea of the interviewer and about the next hiring process. You should know that will the selected applicants be invited back through letter or a phone call.
2. Try to have further contact.
Nobody wants to be a down therefore you should avoid the guesswork by finding out before hard questions heading towards bad impression.
3. Punctuality.
You must be punctual and made first impression to the interviewer that you are punctual and you mean work
4. Know when to sit tight.
If an interviewer requests that you follow up by phone in a week, respect her wishes. Calling the next day can be construed as pushy and desperate.
5. Send a prompt thank-you note.
A positive way to stay on an employer's mind is to send a thank-you note.
6. Send each interviewer a personalized, powerful follow-up letter.
This piece of communication is another chance for you to shine, so don't waste space with generalities. You also can use the letter to introduce achievements that didn't get discussed and to elaborate on interview answers that you felt lacked punch.
7. Address one of the company's needs.
Another effective way to follow up is to act more like a consultant than an applicant. "During the interview, you learn a lot about a company's weaknesses and/or areas where the company wants to expand," you have the knowledge and also the enthusiasm to make a significant contribution."
8. Keep thinking and learning about the company.
Be prepared for additional interviews or follow-up phone calls by continuing to research the organization and the field. Gain new information about a topic brought up in conversation. Think of additional questions you'd like answered. These actions show the hirer that you didn't stop caring about the company after the interview was over.
09. Accept rejection with grace.
Finally, keep emotions in check and don't burn bridges if someone else gets hired. One never knows what the future might hold. The accepted candidate may not work out, or a different position may open up. "If you are rejected, the first thing you should do (ironically) is send a thank-you note. This will help distinguish you from other rejected candidates and put you in a positive light."